
Jul 15, 2024 Our new pre-prints, CodeRAG-Bench, Scaling of retrieval datastore and CopyBench are out!
Jul 10, 2024 Our Fine-grained Hallucination paper has been accepted at the first COLM!
May 07, 2024 Attended ICLR 2024 in person and gave an oral presentation for Self-RAG (slide)!
Apr 19, 2024 Gave an invited lecture on state of the art of retrieval-augmented generation (slides) at CMU Advanced NLP class!
Mar 15, 2024 Our BUFFET, a large-scale few-shot cross-lingual transfer benchmark across 54 langauges and 15 tasks, has been accepted to NAACL 2024 main conference!
Mar 05, 2024 Our position paper on retrieval-augmented LMs is out!
Mar 01, 2024 Gave an invited lecture on retrieval-augmented LMs (slides; video) at UW CSE CSE 447/517: Natural Language Processing. I gave the same lecture at Yale and Washington University in St. Louis.
Feb 23, 2024 Gave an invited talk about Reliable, Adaptable and Attributable LMs with Retrieval at University College London Web Intelligence Group (WI).
Jan 15, 2024 Our Self-RAG was accepted as an oral paper (top 1% among submissions) at ICLR 2024. Self-RAG also won the Best Paper Honorable Mention at NeurIPS Workshop on Instruction Tuning and Instruction Following!
Dec 10, 2023 Adaptive Retriever won the ACL 2023 Best Video Paper – Most viewed. See What Makes for a Good Video Presentation: The Best ACL 2023 Videos by ACL 2023 Program Chairs!